frequently asked questions
How to order parts from your store ?
Please contact with us using one of following ways: Whatsapp, Instagram DM, Facebook Messenger, Iphone Messenger, E-mail.
What payment methodes are possible ?
There are many possible payment methodes: Wire bank transfer USD, EUR, PLN, Veem for US residents and Paypal ( additional service fee 8% ).
Can you create my custom carbon project / forged wheels ?
We can create for you custom 3D project of forged wheels- 1/2/3 PC.
Can also create custom carbon parts from prepreg carbon on your order.
What is the lead time for my order and what is shipping time ?
Please send us an inquiry regarding the desired products and we will promptly provide you with the estimated order fulfillment time.
We use following worldwide shipping ways:
- UPS Expedited by AIR 3-4 days
- DHL by AIR 5-7 days for big packages